This project was in collaboration with Millerhare, and the assigment was to create selling images of the residential area in Kings Cross, London, helping stakeholders and clients visualize the potential of the space. Millerhare provided base models, and our job was to develop and deliver a concept, materials, lighting, and camera angles that would resonate with the target audience.
The client, in this case Millerhare, required three images: two descriptive views of the location/building from the same vantage point, to ensure the images highlight the essence and integration of the building within its surroundings. They wanted two versions of each view to showcase the scene under different conditions, such as various seasons of the year or different times of the day, to highlight the space's versatility.
Secondly, they wanted one detailed view, concentrated on a specific aspect of the project, such as an innovative feature or a unique material used in the construction.
Timeline: Approximately three weeks | Software used: 3Ds Max, Corona, Photoshop
At our first correspondence session with Millerhare, we were to present three different camera angles for our descriptive views and detailed views for them to choose from. They gave me a lot of freedom here and ultimately had me decide which ones I wanted to expand on. I chose the second view as the descriptive view, and both the forth and fifth as my detailed view.

Next step in the process was to showcase three alternative concepts for our descriptive view. I wanted to show some variation so I decided to present three different weather conditions. They selected the first and the third one.